dotProject Logo dotProject Installer

Welcome to the dotProject Installer! It will setup the database for dotProject and create an appropriate config file. In some cases a manual installation cannot be avoided.
There is an initial Check for (minimal) Requirements appended down below for troubleshooting. At least a database connection must be available and ../includes/config.php must be writable for the webserver!

Check for Requirements
  • PHP Version >= 4.1
  • OK (5.4.45)
  • Server API
  • OK (cgi-fcgi)
  • GD Support (for GANTT Charts)
  • OK
  • Zlib compression Support
  • OK
  • UTF8 Decode Support
  • OK
  • File Uploads
  • OK (Max File Upload Size: 2M)
  • Session Save Path writable?
  • Failed Fatal: session.save_path is not set

    Database Connectors

    The next tests check for database support compiled with php. We use the ADODB database abstraction layer which comes with drivers for many databases. Consult the ADODB documentation for details.

    For the moment only MySQL is fully supported, so you need to make sure it is available.

  • LDAP Support
  • Failed Not available
  • MySQL Support
  • OK

    Check for Directory and File Permissions
    If the message 'World Writable' appears after a file/directory, then Permissions for this File have been set to allow all users to write to this file/directory. Consider changing this to a more restrictive setting to improve security. You will need to do this manually.
    ./includes/config.php writable? OK
    ./files writable? OK
    ./files/temp writable? OK
    ./locales/en writable? OK

    Recommended PHP Settings
    Safe Mode = OFF? OK
    Register Globals = OFF? OK
    Session AutoStart = ON? Failed Try setting to ON if you are experiencing a WhiteScreenOfDeath
    Session Use Cookies = ON? OK
    Session Use Trans Sid = OFF? Failed There are security risks with this turned ON

    Other Recommendations

    The dotProject team openly recommend Free Open Source software (FOSS). This is not just because dotProject is a FOSS application, but because we believe that the FOSS development method results in better software, with a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

    These recommendations reflect that belief, and the fact that as FOSS developers, we develop on FOSS systems, so they will have better support sooner than other non-FOSS systems.

    Free Operating System? OK (Linux 5.10.226-xeon-hst #2 SMP Wed Oct 16 08:01:30 UTC 2024 x86_64)
    Supported Web Server? OK (Apache)
    Standards Compliant Browser? OK (CCBot/2.0 (